- common process/program utility methods and attributes.
use EWS::procUtils; $pInfo = new EWS::procUtils(-debug => 1, -io => $baseIO);
$pInfo->createDaemon('myLogFile')) || die "Unable to create daemon";
@pidList = $pInfo->getMatchingPIDs;
@pidList = $pInfo->getProgramPIDs($pInfo->programName);
eval { local $SIG{ALRM} = sub {die "sigalrm"}; local $SIG{INT} = sub {die "sigint" }; local $SIG{KILL} = sub {die "sigkill"}; alarm 30; # 30 seconds to perform task
...<task steps>...
alarm 0; # stop timer when complete. };
$pResult = $pInfo->checkEval($@);
die "alarm timeout" if ($pResult == 1); die "keyboard interrupt" if ($pResult == 2); die "killed" if ($pResult == 3); die "unknown/other interrupt" if ($pResult > 3);
$SIG{INT} = \$pInfo->catchInterrupt; $SIG{KILL} = \$pInfo->catchKill;
...<perform task>... die "Interrupted" if ($pInfo->Interrupt > 0); is an object oriented perl module which contains several commonly used process/program utility methods and attributes.
Methods are included to:
create a daemon from the running process,
get a list of current PIDs which match a given program (application) name,
catch SIGALRM, SIGINT, SIGKILL interrupts,
process eval result code.
Exposed Attributes include:
Current (calling) program name and name parts,
regex used to parse program (application) names,
Version and Revision strings.
= new EWS::procUtils(%parameters);
Enter: %parameters = parameter hash (see below). Exit: returns a blessed reference to a new procUtils object.
parameters are of the form:
-arg => value
acceptable values are: -debug => 1 = debug messages -io => baseIO object (refer to EWS::baseIO documentation). -trace => deprecated -- refer to -io
Convert this process to a daemon.
Enter: $stdFile = file name to redirect std output to. Exit: result code: 0 = running as a daemon. 1 = no rights to root directory. 2 = unable to redirect STD files 3 = unable to fork 4 = unable to start new session
use procUtils; $pInfo = new EWS::procUtils(-debug=>0); $pInfo->createDaemon($logFileName)) || die "Unable to create daemon";
Return list of PIDs with same program name as this.
Enter: None. Exit: @pidList if successful. undef if not successful.
Note: the returned list does not include the current process.
use procUtils; $pInfo = new EWS::procUtils(-debug=>0); @pidList = $pInfo->getMatchingPIDs;
Return list of PIDs with $program
Enter: $program = name to search schedule for. Exit: @pidList = list of pid's in list mode, $pidList = count of pid's in scalar mode.
undef if not successful.
Note: the returned list does not include the current process.
use procUtils; $pInfo = new EWS::procUtils(-debug=>0); @pidList = $pInfo->getProgramPIDs('myProgramName');
Close current STDERR error file.
Enter: none. Exit: 1 if successful 0 if unable to open STDERR
Redirect STDERR to $errorFile.
Enter: $errorFile = error file name. Exit: 1 if successful 0 if unable to open STDERR
SIGnal handler for alarm (SIGALRM)
Enter: $signame = interrupt signal name Exit: none.
Increments $interrupt to indicate interrupt has been received.
$SIG{ALRM} = \$pInfo->catchAlarm;
$pInfo->Interrupt(0); # setting $SIG will cause an interrupt, so clear it.
alarm 30; # set 30 seconds to perform task
...<perform task>...
alarm 0;
die "Interrupted" if ($pInfo->Interrupt > 0);
SIGnal handler for keyboard INTerrupt (SIGINT)
Enter: $signame = interrupt signal name Exit: none.
Increments $interrupt to indicate interrupt has been received.
$SIG{INT} = \$pInfo->catchInterrupt;
$pInfo->Interrupt(0); # setting $SIG will cause an interrupt, so clear it.
...<perform task>...
die "Interrupted" if ($pInfo->Interrupt > 0);
SIGnal handler for kill INTerrupt (SIGKILL)
Enter: $signame = interrupt signal name Exit: none.
Increments $interrupt to indicate interrupt has been received.
$SIG{KILL} = \$pInfo->catchKill;
$pInfo->Interrupt(0); # setting $SIG will cause an interrupt, so clear it.
...<perform task>...
die "Killed" if ($pInfo->Interrupt > 0);
Check eval result. Assumes that sigalrm, sigint and sigkill are known.
Enter: $result = result to check Exit: 0 = no error 1 = sigalrm 2 = sigint 3 = sigkill 4 = unknown
eval { local $SIG{ALRM} = sub {die "sigalrm"}; local $SIG{INT} = sub {die "sigint" }; local $SIG{KILL} = sub {die "sigkill"}; alarm 30; # 30 seconds to perform task
...<task steps>...
alarm 0; # stop timer when complete. };
$pResult = $pInfo->checkEval($@);
die "alarm timeout" if ($pResult == 1); die "keyboard interrupt" if ($pResult == 2); die "killed" if ($pResult == 3); die "unknown/other interrupt" if ($pResult > 3);
Set/get internal interrupt counter. The internal interrupt counter is incremented each time a supported SIGnal occurs.
Enter: $interrupt = value to set interrupt counter to = undef to not change setting Exit: $interrupt = current interrupt counter value.
Set/get the regex used to parse file names by the getMatchingPIDs and getProgramPIDs methods. Returns current value.
Enter: $regex = regex to use in parsing file names, undef to not change. Exit: $regex = current regex contents.
Returns the running process ($$) program.
Enter: None. Exit: $name = program (without execution path or type)
Returns the running process ($$) program name.
Enter: None. Exit: $name = program name (without execution path)
Returns the running process ($$) program path name.
Enter: None. Exit: $path = program path name (without program or type)
The Revision method returns the revision number of
$revision = $pInfo->Revision;
Enter: none. Exit: current revision string.
The Version method returns the version number of
$version = $pInfo->Version;
Enter: none. Exit: current version string.
EWS::Trace provides a simple trace debug facility.
Version 0.0.2 4/24/2002 is available at
or as a g-zip'ed tarball at
Visit EarthWalk Software at Geocities:
Jay Wheeler, EarthWalk Software. is copyright Š 2002. EarthWalk Software.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA