EWS::htmlout - object-oriented perl module for HTML 4.0 dynamic document content creation.


 use EWS::htmlout;

 $html = new EWS::htmlout(-debug => 0);

       $html->Display('My Page Title');
       $html->Display("My Page Title");


EWS::htmlout is an object-oriented class which provides access to a collection of HTML 4.0 related methods designed to make the creation of cgi scripts easier. EWS::htmlout extends the base-class EWS::baseIO to provide object-oriented HTML 4.0 input/output functionality. All EWS::baseIO methods and attributes are fully available in addition to the EWS::htmlout methods and attributes.

Each EWS::htmlout method accepts parameters for the related HTML function as a hash containing name/value pairs for each HTML parameter.

EWS::htmlout can be overridden or extended by (i.e. - serve as a base-class for) modules wishing to modify and/or expand upon the provided vocabulary.

NOTE: EWS::htmlout does not support DEPRECATED html entities. EWS::htmldep provides backward compatability to access DEPRECATED entities. EWS::htmldep uses EWS::htmlout as a base class.


This is version 2.0 of



$html = new EWS::htmlout(%parameters);


$html = EWS::htmlout->new(%parameters);

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).
      returns a blessed reference to a new htmlout object.

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:
      -debug      => 1 = debug messages
      -htmlformat => 1 = html format, else console format
      -timestamp  => 1 = timestamp display line messages
      -type       => 0 = console output (default)
                     1 = output to file only
                     2 = output to console and file (log messages)
      -end        => string to check for in input stream to end program
                        (default = 'exit')
      -file       => name of file for output (type = 1 or 2).
                        (default = /dev/null)

Global structure tokens


Output the content-type string to start the html page.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -type = content type string.

Html - EndHtml

Output HTML token

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -lang    = specify the language for the value of the content attribute.
      -dir     = text direction.

Document Head

Head - EndHead

Output HTML head entity

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -profile = specifies the location of one or more meta data profiles.
      -lang    = specify the language.
      -dir     = text direction.


Output an html Meta token.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -content    = a property's value.
      -dir        = text direction.
      -http-equiv = may be used in place of the name attribute.
      -lang       = specify the language for the value of the content attribute.
      -name       = a property name.
      -scheme     = a scheme to be used to interpret the property's value.

Title - EndTitle

Output html Title token.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -lang       = specify the language for the value of the content attribute.
      -dir        = text direction.

Document Body Tokens

Address - EndAddress

Output HTML Address

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title

Body - EndBody

Output HTML body token

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onload      = on load action.
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -onunload    = on unload action.
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title

Div - EndDiv

Output HTML DIV and parameters

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -align       = horizontal alignment
      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title

H1 - EndH1

Output HTML H1

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -align       = horizontal alignment
      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title

H2 - EndH2

Output HTML H2

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -align       = horizontal alignment
      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title

H3 - EndH3

Output HTML H3

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -align       = horizontal alignment
      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title

H4 - EndH4

Output HTML H4

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -align       = horizontal alignment
      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title

H5 - EndH5

Output HTML H5

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -align       = horizontal alignment
      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title

H6 - EndH6

Output HTML H6

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -align       = horizontal alignment
      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title

Span - EndSpan

Output HTML SPAN and parameters

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -align       = horizontal alignment
      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onload      = on load action.
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -onunload    = on unload action.
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title

Language Information and Text Direction


Output BDO element

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -lang = language code
      -dir  = directionality

Text - Paragraphs, Lines and Phrases

Abbr - EndAbbr

Outputs the HTML ABBR token.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title

Acronym - EndAcronym

Outputs the HTML Acronym token.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title

BlockQuote - EndBlockQuote

Outputs the HTML BlockQuote token.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -cite        = URI for source document or msg
      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title


Outputs the HTML BR token.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -id          = id name
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title

Cite - EndCite

Outputs the HTML Cite token.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title

Code - EndCode

Outputs the HTML Code token.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title

Del - EndDel

Outputs the HTML Del token.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -cite        = info on reason for change
      -class       = class name
      -datetime    = date and time of change
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title


Outputs the HTML DFN token.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title

EM - EndEM

Outputs the HTML EM token.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title

Ins - EndIns

Outputs the HTML Ins token.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -cite        = info on reason for change
      -class       = class name
      -datetime    = date and time of change
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title


Outputs the HTML KBD token.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title

P - EndP

Outputs the HTML P token.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title

Pre - EndPre

Outputs the HTML Pre token.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title

Q - EndQ

Outputs the HTML Q token.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -cite        = URI for source document or msg
      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title

Samp - EndSamp

Outputs the HTML Samp token.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title

Strong - EndStrong

Outputs the HTML Strong token.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title

Sub - EndSub

Outputs the HTML Sub token.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title

Sup - EndSup

Outputs the HTML Sup token.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title

Var - EndVar

Outputs the HTML Var token.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title


DD - EndDD

Output HTML DD token.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title

DL - EndDL

Output HTML DL token.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title

DT - EndDT

Output HTML DT token.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title

LI - EndLI

Output HTML LI token.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title

OL - EndOL

Output HTML OL token.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title

UL - EndUL

Output HTML UL token.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title


Caption - EndCaption

Output HTML CAPTION token.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title


Output HTML Col token.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -align       = horizontal alignment in cells
          -char        = specifies a single character within a text fragment to act as an axis for alignment
          -charoff     = specifies the offset to the first occurrence of the alignment character on each line
      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title
      -span      = default number of columns in group
      -valign      = vertical alignment in cells
      -width       = default width for enclosed COLs

ColGroup - EndColGroup

Output HTML ColGroup token.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -align       = horizontal alignment in cells
      -char        = a single character within a text fragment to act as an axis for alignment
      -charoff     = offset to the first occurrence of the alignment character on each line.
      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -span        = default number of columns in group
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title
      -valign      = vertical alignment in cells
      -width       = default width for enclosed COLs

Table - EndTable

Output HTML TABLE token.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -border    = frame width around table.
      -cellpadding = space around each cell
      -cellspacing = space around the contained (outtermost) cells
      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -frame       = parts of frame to render.
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -padding     = padding within cells.
      -rules       = rulings between rows and columns.
      -spacing     = spacing between cells.
      -style       = inline style information
      -summary     = purpose structure (for speech output).
      -title       = element title
      -width       = Table width.

TBody - EndTBody

Output HTML TBody token.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -align       = horiz. alignment.
      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title
      -valign      = vertical alignment.
      -width       = Table width.

TD - EndTD

Output HTML TD token.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -align       = horiz. alignment.
      -axis        = groups of related headers.
      -class       = class name
      -colspan     = number of columns spanned by cell.
      -dir         = text direction
      -headers     = id's for header cells.
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -rowspan     = number of rows spanned by cell.
      -scope       = scope covered by header cells.
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title
      -valign      = vertical alignment.

TFoot - EndTFoot

Output HTML TFoot parameters.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -align       = horiz. alignment.
      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title
      -valign      = vertical alignment.
      -width       = Table width.

TH - EndTH

Output HTML TH token.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -align       = horiz. alignment.
      -axis        = groups of related headers.
      -class       = class name
      -colspan     = number of columns spanned by cell.
      -dir         = text direction
      -headers     = id's for header cells.
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -rowspan     = number of rows spanned by cell.
      -scope       = scope covered by header cells.
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title
      -valign      = vertical alignment.

THead - EndTHead

Output HTML THead token.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -align       = horiz. alignment.
      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title
      -valign      = vertical alignment.
      -width       = Table width.

TR - EndTR

Output HTML TR token.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -align       = horiz. alignment.
      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title
      -valign      = vertical alignment.
      -width       = Table width.


A - EndA

Output HTML A token.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -accesskey   = accessibility key character.
      -charset     = Charset.
      -class       = class name
      -coords      = client-side image map.
      -dir         = text direction
      -href        = URI.
      -hreflang    = language code.
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -name        = Named link end.
      -onblur      = Script.
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onfocus     = Script.
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -rel         = forward link types.
      -rev         = reverse link types.
      -shape       = client-side image map.
      -style       = inline style information
      -tabindex    = tab order number.
      -target      = Frame name.
      -title       = element title
      -type        = content type.


Output HTML Base token.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -href   = URI.
      -target = target frame info.


Output HTML link token.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -charset     = Charset.
      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -href        = URI.
      -hreflang    = language code.
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -media       = destination medium
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -rel         = forward link types.
      -rev         = reverse link types.
      -style       = inline style information
      -target      = Frame name.
      -type        = content type.

Objects and Images


Output HTML Area

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -accesskey   = accessibility key character.
      -alt         = short description.
      -class       = class name
      -coords      = comma separated list of lengths.
      -dir         = text direction
      -href        = URI for linked resource.
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
          -name        = control name
          -nohref      = no URI associated with area
      -onblur      = lost focus action.
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onfocus     = on focus action.
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -shape       = controls interpretation of coords.
      -style       = inline style information
      -tabindex    = position in tabbing order.
      -target      = Frame name.
      -title       = element title


Output HTML img

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -align       = horizontal alignment
      -alt         = alternative text
      -border      = framing border code
      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -height      = height
          -hspace      = the amount of white space to be inserted to the left and right of img
      -id          = id name
      -ismap       = server-side image map
      -lang        = language information
      -longdesc    = long description.
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -src         = URI
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title
      -usemap      = client-side image map
      -vspace      = the amount of white space to be inserted above/below img 
      -width       = width


Output HTML map

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -accesskey   = accessibility key character.
      -alt         = short description.
      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -href        = URI for linked resource.
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -name        = assigns a name to the image map for usemap.
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -shape       = controls interpretation of coords.
      -style       = inline style information
      -tabindex    = position in tabbing order.
      -target      = Frame name.
      -title       = element title

Object - EndObject

Output HTML Object

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -archive     = space separated archive list
      -class       = class name
      -codebase    = base URI for class, data, archive
      -codetype    = content type for code
      -data        = reference to object's data.
      -declare     = declare but don't instantiate flag.
      -dir         = text direction
      -height      = override height
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -name        = assigns a name to the image map for usemap.
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -standby     = message to show while loading
      -style       = inline style information
      -tabindex    = position in tabbing order.
      -title       = element title
      -type        = content type for data
      -usemap      = use client-side image map
      -width       = override width


Output HTML Param

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -id        = document-wide unique id
      -name      = property name
      -type      = content type for value
      -value     = property value
      -valuetype = How to interpret value

Style Sheets

Style - EndStyle

Output html Style.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -dir   = text direction.
      -title = advisory title.
      -type  = the style sheet language of the element's contents.
      -lang  = the base language of an element's text content.
      -media = intended destination medium for style information.

Alignment, Font Styles and Horizontal Rules

B - EndB

Output HTML B

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title

Big - EndBig

Output HTML Big

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title


Output HTML HR token.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -align       = LEFT | CENTER | RIGHT.
      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title

I - EndI

Output HTML I

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title

Small - EndSmall

Output HTML Small

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title

TT - EndTT

Output HTML TT

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title


Frame - EndFrame

Output HTML FRAME token.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class        = class name
      -frameborder  = 0 | 1.
      -id           = id name
      -longdesc     = Long description.
      -marginheight = margin height.
      -marginwidth  = margin width.
      -name         = Frame name.
      -noresize     = TRUE | FALSE.
      -scrolling    = Scrollbar style.
      -src          = URI.
      -style        = inline style information
      -target       = name of target frame.
      -title        = element title

Frameset - EndFrameset

Output HTML FRAMESET token.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class    = class name
      -id       = id name
      -rows     = Frame rows.
      -cols     = Frame columns.
      -onload   = Script.
      -onunload = Script.
      -style    = inline style information
      -title    = element title

IFrame - EndIFrame

Output HTML IFRAME token.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -align        = vertical or horizontal alignment
      -class        = class name
      -frameborder  = request frame borders
      -height       = frame height.
      -class        = class name
      -longdesc     = Long description.
      -marginheight = margin height in pixels
      -marginwidth  = margin widths in pixels
      -name         = Frame name.
      -scrolling    = Scrollbar style (YES | NO | AUTO).
      -src          = URI.
      -style        = inline style information
      -title        = element title
      -width        = frame width.

NoFrames - EndNoFrames

Output HTML NoFrames token.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title


Button - EndButton

Output HTML BUTTON token.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -accesskey = accessibility key character
      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -disabled    = unavailable in this context
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -name        = Field name.
      -onblur      = the element lost the focus
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onfocus     = the element got the focus
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -tabindex    = position in tabbing order
      -title       = element title
      -type        = Input type (SUBMIT | RESET | BUTTON).
      -value       = Field value.

FieldSet - EndFieldSet

Output HTML FIELDSET token.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -accesskey = accessibility key character
      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title

Form - EndForm

Output HTML form token.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -accept         = list of MIME types for file upload
      -accept-charset = list of supported charsets
      -action         = URI.
      -class          = class name
      -dir            = text direction
      -enctype        = ContentType.
      -id             = id name
      -lang           = language information
      -method         = GET | POST
      -name           = Form name.
      -onclick        = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown      = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress     = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup        = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown    = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove    = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout     = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover    = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup      = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -onreset        = Script.
      -onsubmit       = Script.
      -style          = inline style information
      -target         = Target name.
      -title          = element title


Output HTML INPUT token.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -accept      = list of MIME types for file upload
      -accesskey   = accessibility key character
      -align       = Alignment code.
      -alt         = short description
      -checked     = TRUE | FALSE
      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -disabled    = (disabled)
      -id          = id name
      -ismap       = use server-side image map
      -lang        = language information
      -maxlength   = Maximum text input size in characters.
      -name        = Field name.
      -onblur      = the element lost the focus
      -onchange    = the element value was changed
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onfocus     = the element got the focus
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -onselect    = some text was selected
      -readonly    = (readonly)
      -size        = Input field size.
      -src         = URI.
      -style       = inline style information
      -tabindex    = position in tabbing order
      -title       = element title
      -type        = Input type
      -usemap      = use client-side image map
      -value       = Field value.

Label - EndLabel

Output HTML LABEL token.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -accesskey   = accessibility key character
      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -for         = matches field ID value
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onblur      = the element lost the focus
      -onchange    = the element value was changed
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onfocus     = the element got the focus
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -onselect    = some text was selected
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title

Legend - EndLegend

Output HTML LEGEND token.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -accesskey = accessibility key character
      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title

OptGroup - EndOptGroup

Output HTML OPTGROUP token.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -disabled    = TRUE | FALSE.
      -id          = id name
      -label       = Label.
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title

Option - EndOption

Output HTML OPTION token.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -disabled    = TRUE | FALSE.
      -id          = id name
      -label       = Label.
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -selected    = TRUE | FALSE.
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title
      -value       = value.

Select - EndSelect

Output HTML SELECT token.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -disabled    = TRUE | FALSE.
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -multiple    = TRUE | FALSE.
      -name        = Field name.
      -onblur      = script.
      -onchange    = script.
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onfocus     = script.
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -size        = size.
      -style       = inline style information
      -tabindex    = tab number in form.
      -title       = element title

TextArea - EndTextArea

Output HTML TEXTAREA token.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -accesskey = accessibility key character
      -class       = class name
      -cols        = Number of columns.
      -dir         = text direction
      -disabled    = TRUE | FALSE.
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -name        = Field name.
      -onblur      = script.
      -onchange    = script.
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onfocus     = script.
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -onselect    = script.
          -readonly    = read only
      -rows        = Number of rows.
      -style       = inline style information
      -tabindex    = tab number in form.
      -title       = element title


NoScript - EndNoScript

Output HTML NOSCRIPT token.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title

Script - EndScript

Output HTML SCRIPT token.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -charset = char encoding of linked resource
      -defer   = UA may defer execution of script
      -src     = URI for an external script
      -type    = content type of script language



Set/get debug status

      $debug = 1 to set
      $debug current setting


The Revision method returns the revision number of

      $revision = $htmlout->Revision;

      current revision string.


The Version method returns the version number of

      $version = $htmlout->Version;

      current version string.

PRIVATE METHODS - Implementations

The following methods represent the implementation of the public methods above.

Global structure tokens


Output HTML parameters

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -lang    = specify the language for the value of the content attribute.
      -dir     = text direction.

Document Head


Output head parameters

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -profile = specifies the location of one or more meta data profiles.
      -lang    = specify the language.
      -dir     = text direction.


Output Meta parameters

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -content    = named dictionary of meta info.
      -scheme     = specify the language for the value of the content attribute.
      -http-equiv = text direction.
      -lang    = specify the language.
      -dir     = text direction.


Output html Title parameters.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -lang       = specify the language for the value of the content attribute.
      -dir        = text direction.

Document Body Tokens


Output HTML Address parameters

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title


Output HTML body parameters

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onload      = on load action.
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -onunload    = on unload action.
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title


Output HTML DIV parameters

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -align       = horizontal alignment
      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onload      = on load action.
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -onunload    = on unload action.
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title


Output HTML Hn parameters

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -align       = horizontal alignment
      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title


Output HTML SPAN parameters

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -align       = horizontal alignment
      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onload      = on load action.
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -onunload    = on unload action.
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title

Language Information and Text Direction


Output BDO parameters

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -lang = language code
      -dir  = directionality

Text - Paragraphs, Lines and Phrases


Outputs HTML ABBR parameters.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title


Outputs the HTML Acronym parameters.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title


Outputs HTML BlockQuote parameters.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -cite        = URI for source document or msg
      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title


Outputs the HTML BR parameters



Outputs the HTML Cite parameters.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -cite        = URI for source document or msg
      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title


Outputs the HTML Code parameters.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -cite        = URI for source document or msg
      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title


Outputs the HTML Del parameters.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -cite        = URI for source document or msg
      -class       = class name
      -datetime    = date and time of change
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title


Outputs the HTML DFN parameters

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title


Outputs the HTML EM parameters

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title


Outputs the HTML Ins parameters.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -cite        = info on reason for change
      -class       = class name
      -datetime    = date and time of change
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title


Outputs the HTML KBD parameters.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title


Outputs the HTML P parameters.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title


Outputs the HTML Pre parameters.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title


Outputs the HTML Q parameters.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -cite        = URI for source document or msg
      -class       = class name
      -datetime    = date and time of change
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title


Outputs the HTML Samp parameters

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title


Outputs the HTML Strong parameters.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title


Outputs the HTML Sub parameters

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title


Outputs the HTML Sup parameters.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title


Outputs the HTML Var parameters.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title



Output HTML DD parameters.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title


Output HTML DL parameters.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title


Output HTML DT parameters.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title


parse LI parameters.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title


Parse OL parameters.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title


parse UL parameters.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title



parse CAPTION parameters.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title


Output HTML Col parameters.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -align       = horizontal alignment in cells
      -char        = a single character within a text fragment to act as an axis for alignment
      -charoff     = offset to the first occurrence of the alignment character on each line.
      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -span        = default number of columns in group
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title
      -valign      = vertical alignment in cells
      -width       = default width for enclosed COLs


Output HTML Col parameters.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -align       = horizontal alignment in cells
      -char        = a single character within a text fragment to act as an axis for alignment
      -charoff     = offset to the first occurrence of the alignment character on each line.
      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -span        = default number of columns in group
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title
      -valign      = vertical alignment in cells
      -width       = default width for enclosed COLs


Process HTML TABLE parameters.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -border    = frame width around table.
      -cellpadding = space around each cell
      -cellspacing = space around the contained (outtermost) cells
      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -frame     = parts of frame to render.
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -padding     = padding within cells.
      -rules       = rulings between rows and columns.
      -spacing     = spacing between cells.
      -style       = inline style information
      -summary     = purpose structure (for speech output).
      -title       = element title
      -width       = Table width.


Output HTML TBody parameters.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -align       = horiz. alignment.
      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title
      -valign      = vertical alignment.
      -width       = Table width.


Output HTML TD parameters.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -align       = horiz. alignment.
      -axis        = groups of related headers.
      -class       = class name
      -colspan     = number of columns spanned by cell.
      -dir         = text direction
      -headers     = id's for header cells.
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -rowspan     = number of rows spanned by cell.
      -scope       = scope covered by header cells.
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title
      -valign      = vertical alignment.


Output HTML TFoot parameters.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -align       = horiz. alignment.
      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title
      -valign      = vertical alignment.
      -width       = Table width.


Output HTML TH parameters.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -align       = horiz. alignment.
      -axis        = groups of related headers.
      -class       = class name
      -colspan     = number of columns spanned by cell.
      -dir         = text direction
      -headers     = id's for header cells.
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -rowspan     = number of rows spanned by cell.
      -scope       = scope covered by header cells.
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title
      -valign      = vertical alignment.


Output HTML THead parameters.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -align       = horiz. alignment.
      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title
      -valign      = vertical alignment.
      -width       = Table width.


Output HTML TR parameters.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -align       = horiz. alignment.
      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title
      -valign      = vertical alignment.
      -width       = Table width.



Output HTML A parameters

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -accesskey   = accessibility key character.
      -charset     = Charset.
      -class       = class name
      -coords      = client-side image map.
      -dir         = text direction
      -href        = URI.
      -hreflang    = language code.
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -name        = Named link end.
      -onblur      = Script.
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onfocus     = Script.
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -rel         = forward link types.
      -rev         = reverse link types.
      -shape       = client-side image map.
      -style       = inline style information
      -tabindex    = tab order number.
      -target      = Frame name.
      -title       = element title
      -type        = content type.


Output HTML Base parameters.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -href   = URI.
      -target = target frame info.


Output HTML link parameters.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -charset     = Charset.
      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -href        = URI.
      -hreflang    = language code.
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -media       = destination medium
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -rel         = forward link types.
      -rev         = reverse link types.
      -style       = inline style information
      -target      = Frame name.
      -type        = content type.

Objects and Images


Output HTML Area parameters

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -accesskey   = accessibility key character.
      -alt         = short description.
      -class       = class name
      -coords      = comma separated list of lengths.
      -dir         = text direction
      -href        = URI for linked resource.
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
          -name        = control name
          -nohref      = no URI associated with area
      -onblur      = lost focus action.
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onfocus     = on focus action.
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -shape       = controls interpretation of coords.
      -style       = inline style information
      -tabindex    = position in tabbing order.
      -target      = Frame name.
      -title       = element title


Output HTML Img parameters

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -align       = horizontal alignment
      -alt         = alternative text
      -border      = framing border code
      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -height      = height
          -hspace      = the amount of white space to be inserted to the left and right of img
      -id          = id name
      -ismap       = server-side image map
      -lang        = language information
      -longdesc    = long description.
          -name        = item name (should use -id instead!)
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -src         = URI
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title
      -usemap      = client-side image map
      -vspace      = the amount of white space to be inserted above/below img 
      -width       = width


Output HTML map parameters

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -alt         = short description.
      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -href        = URI for linked resource.
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -name        = assigns a name to the image map for usemap.
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -shape       = controls interpretation of coords.
      -style       = inline style information
      -tabindex    = position in tabbing order.
      -target      = Frame name.
      -title       = element title


Output HTML Object parameters

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -archive     = space separated archive list
      -class       = class name
      -codebase    = base URI for class, data, archive
      -codetype    = content type for code
      -data        = reference to object's data.
      -declare     = declare but don't instantiate flag.
      -dir         = text direction
      -height      = override height
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -name        = assigns a name to the image map for usemap.
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -standby     = message to show while loading
      -style       = inline style information
      -tabindex    = position in tabbing order.
      -title       = element title
      -type        = content type for data
      -usemap      = use client-side image map
      -width       = override width


Output HTML Param parameters

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -id        = document-wide unique id
      -name      = property name
      -type      = content type for value
      -value     = property value
      -valuetype = How to interpret value

Style Sheets


Output Style Sheet parameters.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -dir   = text direction.
      -lang  = the base language of an element's text content.
      -media = intended destination medium for style information.
      -title = advisory title.
      -type  = the style sheet language of the element's contents.

Alignment, Font Styles and Horizontal Rules


Output HTML B parameters

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title


Output HTML Big parameters

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

          -id    => document id
      -class => class name


Output HTML HR parameters.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -align       = LEFT | CENTER | RIGHT.
      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title


Output HTML I parameters

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

          -id    => document id
      -class => class name


Output HTML Small parameters

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

          -id    => document id
      -class => class name


Output HTML TT parameters

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

          -id    => document id
      -class => class name



Output HTML FRAME parameters.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class        = class name
      -frameborder  = 0 | 1.
      -id           = id name
      -longdesc     = Long description.
      -marginheight = margin height.
      -marginwidth  = margin width.
      -name         = Frame name.
      -noresize     = TRUE | FALSE.
      -scrolling    = Scrollbar style.
      -src          = URI.
      -style        = inline style information
      -target       = name of target frame.
      -title        = element title


Output HTML FRAMESET parameters.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class    = class name
      -id       = id name
      -rows     = Frame rows.
      -cols     = Frame columns.
      -onload   = Script.
      -onunload = Script.
      -style    = inline style information
      -title    = element title


Output HTML IFRAME parameters.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -align        = vertical or horizontal alignment
      -class        = class name
      -frameborder  = request frame borders
      -height       = frame height.
      -class        = class name
      -longdesc     = Long description.
      -marginheight = margin height in pixels
      -marginwidth  = margin widths in pixels
      -name         = Frame name.
      -scrolling    = Scrollbar style (YES | NO | AUTO).
      -src          = URI.
      -style        = inline style information
      -title        = element title
      -width        = frame width.


Output HTML NoFrames parameters.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title



Output HTML BUTTON parameters.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -accesskey = accessibility key character
      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -disabled    = unavailable in this context
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -name        = Field name.
      -onblur      = the element lost the focus
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onfocus     = the element got the focus
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -tabindex    = position in tabbing order
      -title       = element title
      -type        = Input type (SUBMIT | RESET | BUTTON).
      -value       = Field value.


Output HTML FIELDSET parameters.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -accesskey = accessibility key character
      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title


Output HTML form parameters

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -accept         = list of MIME types for file upload
      -accept-charset = list of supported charsets
      -action         = URI.
      -class          = class name
      -dir            = text direction
      -enctype        = ContentType.
      -id             = id name
      -lang           = language information
      -method         = GET | POST
      -name           = Form name.
      -onclick        = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown      = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress     = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup        = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown    = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove    = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout     = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover    = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup      = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -onreset        = Script.
      -onsubmit       = Script.
      -style          = inline style information
      -target         = Target name.
      -title          = element title


Output HTML INPUT parameters.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -accept      = list of MIME types for file upload
      -accesskey   = accessibility key character
      -align       = Alignment code.
      -alt         = short description
      -checked     = TRUE | FALSE
      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -disabled    = (disabled)
      -id          = id name
      -ismap       = use server-side image map
      -lang        = language information
      -maxlength   = Maximum text input size in characters.
      -name        = Field name.
      -onblur      = the element lost the focus
      -onchange    = the element value was changed
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onfocus     = the element got the focus
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -onselect    = some text was selected
      -readonly    = (readonly)
      -size        = Input field size.
      -src         = URI.
      -style       = inline style information
      -tabindex    = position in tabbing order
      -title       = element title
      -type        = Input type
      -usemap      = use client-side image map
      -value       = Field value.


Output HTML LABEL parameters.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -accesskey   = accessibility key character
      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -for         = matches field ID value
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onblur      = the element lost the focus
      -onchange    = the element value was changed
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onfocus     = the element got the focus
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -onselect    = some text was selected
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title


Output HTML LEGEND parameters.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -for       = matches field ID value
      -accesskey = accessibility key character
      -onfocus   = the element got the focus
      -onblur    = the element lost the focus


Output HTML OPTGROUP parameters.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -disabled    = TRUE | FALSE.
      -id          = id name
      -label       = Label.
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title


Output HTML OPTION parameter.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -disabled    = TRUE | FALSE.
      -id          = id name
      -label       = Label.
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -selected    = TRUE | FALSE.
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title
      -value       = value.


Output HTML SELECT parameters.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -disabled    = TRUE | FALSE.
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -multiple    = TRUE | FALSE.
      -name        = Field name.
      -onblur      = script.
      -onchange    = script.
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onfocus     = script.
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -size        = size.
      -style       = inline style information
      -tabindex    = tab number in form.
      -title       = element title


Output HTML TEXTAREA parameters.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -accesskey = accessibility key character
      -class       = class name
      -cols        = Number of columns.
      -dir         = text direction
      -disabled    = TRUE | FALSE.
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -name        = Field name.
      -onblur      = script.
      -onchange    = script.
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onfocus     = script.
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -onselect    = script.
          -readonly    = read only
      -rows        = Number of rows.
      -style       = inline style information
      -tabindex    = tab number in form.
      -title       = element title



Output HTML NOSCRIPT parameters.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title


Output HTML SCRIPT parameters.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -charset = char encoding of linked resource
      -defer   = UA may defer execution of script
      -src     = URI for an external script
      -type    = content type of script language



      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -accesskey => key value


Set alt text.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -alt => string to output if IMG not found.


Parse -archive, -declare and -standby

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -declare   = declare but don't instantiate flag.
      -archive   = space separated archive list
      -standby   = message to show while loading


Set area shape and coords.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -shape  => language
      -coords => href language
          -nohref   = no href associated with region


Alignment within an item.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -align   => horizontal alignment
      -valign  => vertical alignment
      -char    => a single character within a text fragment to act as an axis for alignment
      -charoff => offset to the first occurrence of the alignment character on each line


Process -cellspacing and -cellpadding.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -cellspacing   = spacing between cells.
      -cellpadding   = padding within cells.


Parse -rowspan and -colspan.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -rowspan   = number of rows spanned by cell.
      -colspan   = number of columns spanned by cell.


Process -charset.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -charset   = Charset.


Parse -clear parameters

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -clear = Specifies where the next line should appear after the line break


Set image map parameters.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -ismap  => set image map
      -usemap => image to use


Process -codebase and -data

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -data      = reference to object's data.
      -codebase  = base URI for class, data, archive
      -code      = applet class file name


Process -compact.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -compact = TRUE | FALSE.


Parse -content, -scheme, -http-equiv

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -content    = a property's value.
      -scheme     = a scheme to be used to interpret the property's value.
      -http-equiv = may be used in place of the name attribute.


parse -type, -codetype, -enctype, -accept.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -accept         = list of character encodings for input data
      -accept-charset = list of character sets
      -codetype       = content type for code
      -enctype        = form processing agent
      -type           = numbering type or content type for data.


Set control attributes.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -readonly => 1 = read only
      -disabled => item is disabled
      -defer    => defer document content
      -checked  => item is initially checked
      -tabindex => tab order (index)
      -selected => initially selected
      -multiple => multiple versus single item selection
      -noshade  => 


Parse the -datetime token.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -datetime = date and time of change


Set document id and class.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -id      = document id (as in <div id='xxx'>)
      -class   = class
          -classid = identifies an implementation
          -for     =  


Set style (inline).

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -style => style name


Set -title and -label.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -title => title string
      -label => label


Output item and quoted value based upon conditional test.

      $key = value being tested
      $keytest = value to test against
      $htmlitem = output item name
      $value = output item value
      1 if match
      0 if no match

    NOTE: no output is produced if $value is undefined.


Output item and non-quoted value based upon conditional test.

      $key = value being tested
      $keytest = value to test against
      $htmlitem = output item name
      $value = output item value
      1 if match
      0 if no match

    NOTE: no output is produced if $value is undefined.


Output effects used by fonts


    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -class       = class name
      -dir         = text direction
      -id          = id name
      -lang        = language information
      -onclick     = occurs when the pointing device button is clicked
      -ondblclick  = occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked
      -onkeydown   = occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
      -onkeypress  = occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
      -onkeyup     = occurs when a key is released over an element
      -onmousedown = occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element
      -onmousemove = occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element
      -onmouseout  = occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element
      -onmouseover = occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element
      -onmouseup   = occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element
      -style       = inline style information
      -title       = element title


Process -frame and -rules.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -frame     = parts of frame to render.
      -rules     = rulings between rows and columns.


Set frame decoration values.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:
      -frameborder  = request frame borders
      -marginwidth  = margin width in pixels
      -marginheight = margin height in pixels
      -noresize     = framewindow not resizeable if present.
      -scrolling    = scrollbar or none


Parse -headers and -scope.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -headers   = id's for header cells.
      -scope     = scope covered by header cells.


Set intrinsic event values.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -onblur      => onBlur event
      -onfocus     => onFocus event
      -onclick     => onClick event
      -ondblclick  => onDblClick event
      -onmousedown => onMouseDown event
      -onmouseup   => onMouseUp event
      -onmouseover => onMouseOver event
      -onmousemove => onMouseMove event
      -onmouseout  => onMouseOut event
      -onkeypress  => onKeyPress event
      -onkeydown   => onKeyDown event
      -onkeyup     => onKeyUp event
      -onsubmit    => onSubmit event
      -onreset     => onReset event
      -onselect    => onSelect event
      -onchange    => onChange event
      -onload      => onLoad event
      -onunload    => onUnload event


Set document language.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -lang  => language
      -hlang => href language


Process -rel and -rev.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -rel       = forward link types.
      -rev       = reverse link types.


Set document media.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -media => media string


Parse -method.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -method   = GET | POST


Process -row, -cols.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -rows     = Frame rows.
      -cols     = Frame columns.


Name, Src, LongDesc.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -action   = URI of reference
      -cite     = URI for source document or msg
      -href     = URI of reference
      -longdesc = Long description
      -name     = object name
          -profile  = URI to profile (Meta data)
      -src      = source URI



Process -size, -maxlength, -length.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -size      = Input field size.
      -maxlength = Maximum text input size in characters.
      -length    = length


Process -span.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -span      = default number of columns in group


parse -Start.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -start   = starting number.


Process -summary.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -summary   = purpose structure (for speech output).


Set tab index.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -tabindex  => position in tab list


Parse -axis.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -axis      = groups of related headers.


Parse -nowrap.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -nowrap    = turn off wrapping.


Set target frame name.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -target => set target frame name.


Set text direction.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -dir => direction value


parse -value.

      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -value   = current list item.


      %parameters = parameter hash (see below).

    parameters are of the form:

      -arg => value

    acceptable values are:

      -width  => width of item
      -height => height of item
      -border => 0 = none, otherwise border value
      -hspace => horizontal spacing
      -vspace => vertical spacing


      $EntityBuffer = character buffer (possibly) containing data to be converted.
      $EntityBuffer = expanded buffer.


      Creates global hash %entity for use by ConvertEntity.


EWS::htmlout is dependent upon the following support modules:


EWS::basicIO is the base class from which EWS::htmlout is derived. It provides a common input/output and simple tracing facility. Refer to the EWS::basicIO pod included with this module.


EWS::htmlout is available at


Jay Wheeler, EarthWalk Software.


EWS::htmlout is copyright © 1998, 2002. EarthWalk Software.

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA