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Version 1.0, April 18, 2002.

EWS::htmldep is an object-oriented class which extends the EWS::htmlout class, providing backward compatablility for applications using DEPRECATED HTML 4.01 entities not provided by EWS::htmlout.

EWS::htmldep uses EWS::htmlout as a base class.

Each EWS::htmldep method accepts parameters for the related HTML function as a hash containing name/value pairs for each HTML parameter.

EWS::htmldep can be extended by (i.e. - serve as a base-class for) modules wishing to expand upon the provided vocabulary.

The following HTML entities are supported:

Global structure tokens Text - Paragraphs, Lines and Phrases Lists Tables Objects and Images Alignment, Font Styles and Horizontal Rules Forms Scripts

Refer to the appropriate HTML Specification for specific details about the function of theses entities. Refer to the EWS::htmldep POD for information about the entity methods.

EarthWalk Software. Copyright © 2002.