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Version 1.0, April 18, 2002.

EWS::cookies is an object class interface to HTTP cookies. EWS::cookies creates a wrapper around the methods and attributes used to manipulate HTTP cookies.

EWS::cookies provides the following class methods and attributes:

Class Methods
Public Methods Description
new Returns a blessed reference to a new cookies object.
cookies Fetch all cookie values from class structure.
cookiesref Fetch reference to cookie hash.
expirationDate Set the expiration time of the cookie as an offset from the current time.
find Check if a cookie already exists.
names Return the cookie names.
read Read the current cookie values and return them in a hash.
readref Read the current cookie values into an internal hash and return a reference pointer to the hash.
reset Reset cookie parameters.
send Send the cookie parameters set in the set method to the user-agent.
sendall Send the values in all cookie hashes to the requesting browser.
sendheader Sends an HTML header to the browser.
sendmodified Send the values in cookie hashes containing modified=1 to the user-agent.
set Allows setting of any (or all) of the parameters of a cookie.

Class Attributes
Public Attributes Description
domain Expects the name of the cookie to evaluate and an optional domain to set.
expire Expects the name of the cookie to evaluate and an optional expires to set.
isCookie Check for existence of a cookie.
modified Expects the name of the cookie to evaluate and an optional modified to set
path Expects the name of the cookie to evaluate and an optional path to set.
Revision Returns the revision number.
secure Expects the name of the cookie to evaluate and an optional secure to set.
valid Returns defined if a cookie exists, and undef if no cookies are found.
value Expects the name of the cookie to evaluate.
Version Returns the version number of
EarthWalk Software. Copyright © 2002.